Now Available...

"The Self Made Indian Dream" Book

on Amazon in all major countries!

The Story Of How The New Indian Middle Class Achieves Success Despite Disadvantages

From: Vinodh Subramanian

Chandler, AZ, United States

Dear Friend,

Have you heard about The American Dream?

..the dream that, “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each, according to their ability and achievement, regardless of their social class or circumstances of birth”

246 years after independence, The American Dream continues to inspire the nation, hold its people together, and gets everyone pushing in the same direction and makes the country what it is today.

Besides America, our neighbor, China has a “Chinese Dream,” which promotes prosperity, collective effort and national glory.

Even smaller countries like Qatar and New Zealand have also stated their national dreams.

But what about India?

Do We have a dream that can push us in the same direction and that can inspire you, me and a billion others?

Yes, We had a dream, in the past.

Dream of an independent country. 

But that dream ended after we achieved it.

But what about now?

Do we still have a dream that can inspire us into action?

Yes, there is a new kind of dream that has started emerging from every nook and corner across the nation.

Inside this book, You will discover what this new Indian dream is all about.

And how this new Indian dream is driving the new Indian middle class achieve their own version of success so they can move up in the society regardless of their age, gender, caste, education or background. 

The book is now available on Amazon in all the major countries. 
Go ahead and get your copy. 


-Vinodh Subramanian
Self Made Indian Movement

Vinodh Subramanian is a systems engineer, researcher & marketer who is working on solving real problems for real people using systems thinking, innovation & engineering. 

Vinodh has previously built a tech startup called "Fromahome" in India to help women get online and sell homemade food products to people in their neighborhood. He built a team of 15 people, raised seed funding from an investor based in Australia and built the product with his team.

Vinodh has also carried out academic research in the U.S. to eliminate the various systems and human inefficiencies in the healthcare system in the U.S. and built a tech startup called. "Hipokratiz", to provide software products for healthcare practices in the U.S. and Canada.

Vinodh's works have been extensively covered by various local and national media in India and also the U.S. 

Vinodh is currently working on the Self Made Indian Movement, one of his passion projects. At the Self Made Indian Movement, Vinodh is working towards bringing together Indian individuals from around the world that are interested in building amazing things to make upward mobility possible for thousands, if not millions, of lower and middle income class individuals from India.

Vinodh was born in Tamilnadu, India. He received his Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology (2008) from ANNA University, and his Master's degree in Engineering Management (2019) from The University of Arizona. He currently lives in Chandler, Arizona with his wife.